Have you ever envisioned how your lifetime will look like in the form of a table? This is how a typical lifetime looks like for most people (based on the assumption that we're healthy and lucky enough to live till 75). Looks normal isn't it? What do you see in this table? Life is short? Life is long? Is this the life you are working towards? I appreciate time even more as I get older, and spending 40 years of our finite life working hard to enjoy the last 13 years (that's if your health doesn't give up on you), this equation doesn't make much sense. To make things worse, it seems like we're constantly missing at least one key element of life as we move down this lifetime table. If you were to design your own lifetime table, how different will it look? I mean realistically. Of course, we wished the entire table is filled with green but unfortunately, most of us ordinary people like you and I NEED to work to earn a living. Note that there's a huge difference between NEED to work vs. WANT to work. So even if you are enjoying your job, but you need the income, then you still fall into the yellow zone. The green zone is where you have the freedom to do what you want in life without having to worry about going to work to earn a living (basically a realistic version of winning a lottery), a.k.a financial independence. I'm not a fan of the conventional table above, so here's how we would design ours: Picture an ideal day in your normal life, and now picture 17 extra years of living that ideal day without having to worry about money. Sounds appealing? Or unrealistic?
Anyway, that's the goal we are working towards. And no, we don't expect money to fall from the sky, we work hard to earn the life we want. Like many others, we both work ordinary 9-5 jobs, and want to keep our jobs as long as possible. Why does the concept of achieving FI (Financial Independence) earlier appeal to us?
So how do we plan to achieve this goal?
While it is important to plan for the future and have a goal to work towards, it is also equally important to live in the present and enjoy the journey along the way. If you think being frugal means life will be boring, I beg to differ with this. It's about making smart financial decisions today to bring us closer to the ideal life we want in the future. Do you think we can achieve this goal? Follow along as we cruise along the road less traveled. =)
10/9/2017 03:53:44 am
Great thinking and wonderful writing! Very inspiring!
10/14/2017 05:14:25 am
The Why of FI really is the centering purpose. Having a goal does help to keep me on track. I like the way you have presented yours. All those green years will give you back your life :-)
The Why of FI was indeed a good podcast episode, and Jonathan's depiction of the hamster wheel is exactly what most people go through day after day. We still have quite a good bit of yellow years to push through before reaching the green years, but as long as we stay on the course...I'm confident we'll get there...slowly but surely! Good luck to you too!
wai lim
2/4/2018 04:11:43 am
superb way to put financial independent into a different perspective, in a sense of delay gratitude for a bigger perspective through redesigning the table: Ultimately enjoying work hard.. save hard.. and play hard.. Also, it gives a true meaning or work life balance from a totality perspective, well balance instead of more than half of your life working as shown in the conventional table.
6/21/2018 04:13:13 pm
Heard you today on ChooseFI. Great table you created!
10/25/2018 11:33:44 am
Great article, excellent point! Would you be willing to share the image above for an article I am writing? I am happy to link back and give you image credit I just don't see a need to reinvent the wheel if someone else has said it best already.
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