20 June 2010 (Sun): Liverpool
Finally my last post for this 4-day trip...gosh...I'm pretty long-winded huh! :p As compared to Ireland, we didn't really walk a lot in Liverpool coz we were exhausted already I guess. So most the pics are just sceneries or buildings, was too lazy to take pic of myself. There are only 3 main things to see in Liverpool...Liverpool Stadium, Albert Dock, The Beatles.
Woke up super early at 4.30am to catch our flight from Dublin-Liverpool at 7.45am. That's why we all looked half awake. =.= Dublin airport was already so crowded at 6am!
Arrived Liverpool at ourselves a 1-day bus pass and went to the city center. It was early so all shops were still closed.
This is Anfield! None of us are Liverpool fan but we came coz we had nothing else to do. Saw a big group of fans visiting the stadium.
A guy in the airport introduced this buffet place to us...we were all starving so this was definitely a goooood meal. So many people eating there!
Liverpool One Shopping Mall
Great weather for a it was Father's Day! You hardly see this in M'sia...coz we're too hotttt...haha! :p

Spent half the day chillaxing around Albert Dock
Walking around Albert Dock enjoying the scenery, people, and weather.
Some things around Albert Dock.
The 2 old men juz sat there and enjoy their beers for hours...and looking at 'pretty woman walking down the street'. :p
3 of us went into the Merseyside Maritime Museum...they've got some Titanic exhibits.
Random buildings again. =.=
Guess what happened to this 'boy' after drinking that beer? Notice that woman's expression in the top right pic? We were just watching him sleeping in different poses for more than half an hour...and I got a sunburn bcoz of this...haha! :p
At the train station waiting for our train back to Sheffield at 7pm. We were busy observing weird people with weird fashion.
That's all for our "Boss & Co's" Ireland trip! It was indeed a nice trip...visited 3 cities within 4 days...quite a good accomplishment! :p Thanks to my travel mates for making this trip even better!! =)