This time a year ago, I published this blog/website and was looking forward to embark on our Round-the-World trip. Here's a quick recap of what I've 'accomplished' on this blog/website in the past year: A Lot of Time Over the past year, I've written 23 posts and have continuously added content to this website. I feel like I've been slowly digitizing and documenting my adult life on this website. Honestly, 23 posts a year is not a lot, but an average of 2 posts a month (and adding content to other pages) is not bad considering my day job can be pretty demanding and my work never really ends after a 9-5 day. So how much time do I spend blogging? As a matter of fact, I spent almost all my free time either working on my blogs or trip planning. Yes, that's quite a lot of time but I've really enjoyed building this website. This space has given me the opportunity to unleash the creative side of me. =P No Money I was chatting with my friend recently and she somehow had the impression that I've been making money from blogging. The truth is I haven't made a dime from all these years of blogging (fail I know), but I haven't really actively 'publicized' or monetized my blog. It would be nice if I could make some money out of it, but I know it's not easy and the extra effort may not be worth it, at least for now. I do pay for 2 domains and that's as much as I'm willing to spend on this hobby for now. I can live with an annual net loss of $25...haha! Some Publicity In 2017, I stumbled upon ChooseFI, a personal finance podcast hosted by Jonathan & Brad and have enjoyed every single episode, definitely my favorite podcast. Earlier this year, I was extremely honored to be invited to do a podcast interview with them and talked about Amazing Race, travels rewards, and FI. Big thanks to them for having me! The episode was released on June 18, 2018. Check out the links to find out more! My episode may not be the best one, but I would definitely recommend checking out the podcast/website to learn more about FI (financial independence), lots of awesome content there! "Only started in January 2017, ChooseFI has already developed a cult-like following. Their private Facebook group has over 20,000 members pursuing financial independence and is a gathering place for anyone who wants to optimize their finances and life. On the podcast, Jonathan and Brad discuss how you can reduce expenses, eliminate debt, optimize credit card rewards, and more to design a life you love. ChooseFI also helps listeners understand that becoming financially independent is about a lot more than money. Brad shares, "We view FI as a 'life optimization strategy' that goes way beyond just the nuts and bolts of personal finance and allows you to take a step back, figure out what you want from life, what makes you happy, and what you truly value and run towards that life of purpose, connection, and happiness." - Forbes: 9 Money Podcasts You Should Be Listening To My first (and probably last) podcast interview! =P Thanks ChooseFI for the traffic boost on ALABA+MA+LAYSIA. =) Took this screenshot before my episode (#4) drops off the popularity list...haha! What's Next? They are still quite a lot of things I would like to add to this website but time is the biggest obstacle. A lot of them are sitting in 'drafts' or in my brain, but I'll get to it...slowly but surely. =P
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